Power words can help you highlight your skills and abilities. Because your CV is about you to
begin with, you don't need to write the words “I”and “my”this is repetitious and clutters your CV
with unnecessary words.
For example: “I have good customer service skills”you could use instead “provided fast and
efficient response to site technical queries.”
Some examples of power words
Achieved, Established, Co-ordinated,Created, Supported, Arranged, Attended Developed, Designed, Marketed, Negotiated,Edited, Helped Planned, headed
Important Point in making effective CV
- Never insert photo in CV
- Only provide E mail address and Your Mobile / Land line Number
- Only put qualification above bachelor/diploma no need to put Class X or XII %
- Mention your soft skills ( Team Player etc.)
- knowledge of International standards / Good Engineering Practice / Engineering Softwares /tools and Procedures
How effective is your CV?
Use the assessment criteria below to rate your CV
1. Structure
Is it logical, relevant, and effectively ordered? Is there balance clarity between the sections?
2. Style:
Is the writing fluent & succinct? Is the style consistent?
3. Layout
Does it look attractive? Is it easy to read/skim? Is it suitable length?
4. Relevance
Does then content emphasise skills and or experience needed by the job/organisation?
5. Self-awareness
Are the skills backed up with good examples and evidence that shows understanding of the
process behind the skills?
6. Awareness of the employer and job
Is there evidence of research?
7. Persuasiveness
Would it convince an employer of your ability? Is there clear evidence? Are all the statements
positive? Does it communicate enthusiasm?
8. Mechanics
Are the sentences grammatical? Is spelling and punctuation correct? Is use of the personal
pronoun kept to a minimum (e.g. I, me, mine) kept to a personal minimum?
Many websites contain further examples of CVs and Covering Letters. We would recommend
you looked at the following sites:
www.prospects.ac.uk - click on applications and interviews
www.doctorjob.com - click on careers advice
www.graduatecareers.hobsons.co.uk - click on job-hunting advice
www.eurograduate.com - useful sections on preparing international CVs
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